Commercial landscaping
You can count on Audrie Seeley & Company's commercial crews to get the job done and on time. Our installers have been in the business for nearly 30 years and have handled some of the largest projects in town. With our experience, we work diligently at keeping on top of the construction schedule, hitting completion dates to brush up before the ribbon cuttings and have a well-earned reputation for meeting budgeting goals. Look to Audrie Seeley & Company to get the job done right.
Completed Commercial Installations:
Antioch Crossing Shopping Center
Arrowhead Stadium
Benton House - Various locations
Black & Veatch World Headquarters
Burns & McDonnell World Headquarters
Children's Mercy Hospital-Independence
Ilus Davis Park
IRS Processing Facility
Kansas City Police Department-East Patrol
Kansas City Police Department-Metro Patrol
Kansas City Police Department-Headquarters
Kauffman Performing Arts Center- Green Roof
Kauffman Stadium
LDS Temple
Richard Bolling Federal Building
St. Luke's East Hospital Campus
St. Luke's Hospice
Top Golf
Wright Memorial Hospital- Trenton
RAIN GARDENS, Infiltration basins, BMP's, Bio swales,gREEN ROOFS
All are inexpensive and environmentally sound solutions to urban stormwater runoff. They collect storm water runoff from drainage areas such as roofs, driveways, and lawns. The water that pools in them nourishes the plants and absorbs into the soil reducing maintenance expenses. Best of all, they are environmentally conscious, look great and enhance your company's curb appeal.